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Leonardo Watson
Leonardo Watson

An Attacking Repertoire For White

It is not necessary to mention all the elite players who have this defence in their repertoire. Suffice it to say that one of them was the great Garry Kasparov, who was the greatest expert and a champion of the KID for many years. As for white players who begin their game with 1.d4, they must come very well prepared for this defence and its theoretical concepts and practical ideas.

An Attacking Repertoire for White

In the 1990s I decided to enlarge my repertoire against this defence with something original that would correspond to my personal playing style. After some successful attempts I discovered that the Four Pawns Attack was exactly what I was looking for: underdeveloped theory and active play for White, thanks to the advanced central pawns.

Tata Steel 2023: Analyses by Giri, Van Foreest, Praggnanandhaa, Donchenko and many more. "Special" on Anthony Miles. Kasimdzhanov, Marin and Zwirs show new opening ideas from Wijk in the video. 11 opening articles with repertoire ideas and much more!

In this 3rd and final edition of my 1.d4 series I have focused on all of the lines which were not covered in the 1.d4 d5 (volume 1) or 1. d4 Nf6 (volume 2) videos. These 3 video series together offer the viewer a complete main line White repertoire based on 1.d4. The lines are generally attacking and the positions are designed to give White the maximum chance of putting Black on the back foot from early in the game. .

Bestselling author Viktor Moskalenko presents an extremely powerful set of lines for White. The guiding principle of his 1.d4 repertoire is: be bold and put pressure on your opponent as early as possible. Moskalenko does not shower you with long computer-generated variations, but has a keen eye for the essence of positions. His talent to find new resources in well-known lines results in a host of novelties, daring recommendations and cunning tricks.When you play his lines and follow his recommendations you will frequently surprise your opponent and build up positions full of swing. This is a typical Moskalenko book: practical, accessible, original and inspiring.

The third volume of Nicholas Pert's 1.d4 repertoire concludes his trilogy. Pert shows how White can get promising positions against the King's Indian and the Grünfeld Defence, how White can counter offbeat openings by Black, and he also offers comprehensive analysis how to fight the Dutch, the Modern and the Pirc. Now is as good as any time to learn and strengthen the repertoire with 1.d4 against various openings. In case you didn't get the first two volumes, you should get them now to enrich your knowledge on how to deal with various openings and the resultant structures. English GM Nicholas Pert brings you the latest volume of 1.d4 repertoire which is available now. Photo: ChessBase

In this 3rd and final edition of my 1.d4 series I have focused on all of the lines which were not covered in the 1.d4 d5 (volume 1) or 1. d4 Nf6 (volume 2) videos. These 3 video series together offer the viewer a complete main line White repertoire based on 1.d4.

The lines are generally attacking and the positions are designed to give White the maximum chance of putting Black on the back foot from early in the game. The lines are aimed at ambitious players who are looking to develop a long term attacking option as White.

The central planks of this repertoire are the Vienna Gamewith White, and the Sicilian Dragon and Leningrad Dutch for Black.Against the Caro-Kann and French you are offered the respectiveAdvance variations, and against the Pirc and Sicilian systems withf4 are chosen - the Austrian Attack and and the Grand Prix Attack.These are all unquestionably attacking lines, and each has a strongGM pedigree.

Moreover, a player strong enough to handle theseheavyweight variations but with too few opening books to supporttheir own opening repertoire is probably less likely a species thana player with more books but less talent. I do wonder how theaverage player with an grade of, say, 125 will cope with the 17pages of notes designed to unlock the secrets of the Dragon - forexample, the standard exchange sacrifice ...Rxc3 is mentioned butnot illustrated. Perhaps none of us will stick rigidly to a book'srepertoire, or have the time to learn them all, but we may take upone or two of its recommended lines, and we will all find itinteresting to check out our favourite lines against the ones inthis book.

Although, if you do check, cracks may appear around theedges. This is probably inevitable, but does put into question theusefulness of such a book as a stand-alone solution to the problemsof deciding on a repertoire. For example, after 1. e4 c5 2.f4 g6 3. Nf3 Bg7 4. c3 Nc6 5. d4 Gufeld gives a game(p.10) Sveshnikov-Ree 1992 which continued 5...d5.But as any Modernist knows, after 5...cxd4 6. cxd4Qb6 we are in a position considered favourable to Black byHort and by Botterill and Keene. Moreover, I wasn't convinced bythe assumption that the repertoire avoided the Gurgenidzevariation, as recommended by Norwood and Soltis. In fact, almostevery line recommended by Gufeld is dismissed in some otherrepertoire book, and lines he gives as favourable to, say, White,form the basis of someone else's Black repertoire. Maybe these arenitpicks, but I couldn't use this book without also having severalothers to check against .

The shelf-life of both books may be short - antidotes tothe new lines in the Batsford book may be found rather soon, whilethe more mainstream Gufeld repertoire is at a cutting edge which isconstantly on the move.

The Trompowsky, 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5, has not been as deeply investigated as many of the main lines, and it is an attacking opening that is tricky for Black to face. As well as providing an attacking repertoire for White with the ambitious Trompowsky Attack, the author also covers 2.Bg5 against the Dutch Defence, as well as the Pseudo-Tromp, 1.d4 d5 2.Bg5.

"The book's strengths include numerous mentions of lines given in other books and the author's attempts to refresh things from the white point of view, including a sprinkling of novelties along the way."

Backup and Restore the Immune System (June 22 2007) -create-a-backup-copy-of-your-immune-system.htmlResearchers are already destroying and recreating the immune system to remove existing damage; the next logical step from there is reported by the New Scientist: "Imagine having a spare copy of your immune system on ice, ready to replace your existing one should you fall victim to AIDS, an autoimmune disease, or have to undergo extensive chemotherapy for cancer." Or indeed, perhaps, should you do no more than get old. "An Anglo-American company called Lifeforce has received permission from the US Food and Drug Administration to do just that. The firm collects 480-millilitre samples of blood from healthy individuals, extracts the white blood cells and stores them as an insurance policy against future disease. The service comes at a price, though: around $800 for taking the initial sample then $25 per month for storing the cells ... That sample would have the complete repertoire of all your white blood cells ... By taking some of the stored cells and exposing them to natural growth factors such as interleukin-2, whole new armies of white blood cells could be grown in the lab and reinfused into the patient. ... we can send them their 'pristine' system from 25 years ago." The normal cautions apply, but this seems to be a promising idea.

Patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) are victims of a mutiny in their own immune system. The disease results when the white blood cells that normally help to ward off diseases by destoying foreign cells turn on the body, attacking a vital tissue in the nervous system and triggering a patient's slow decline into paralysis. Researchers had expected that the muntinous army of cells would be highly diverse, consisting of a varied array of so-called T cells. But according to a report in the 15 October Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, only a specific set of T cells seems to be taking part in the mutiny. In that case, the researchers argue, putting down the rebellion might turn out to be easier than had been thought.

"4.Nxe5?! is the Halloween Gambit. After 4...Nxe5 5.d4 Black retains the better chances by returning the piece with 5...Nc6 6.d5 Bb4! 7.dxc6 Nxe4 8.Qd4 Qe7 9.Be3 0-0 10.Bd3 Bxc3 11.bxc3 Bd6 12.cxb7 Bxb7 13.0-0 Rfe8 14.Rab1 Bc6 and "White has no compensation for his poor pawn structure" (Kaufman)." First of all, cxb7 is a mistake the move is my brilliant cxd7!! and then bxd7 Qe4!! QxQ BxQ Rb8 OOO and now whites active attack against the queenside pawns and his quickly activated king easily hold the balance Houdini give 0.00 on my supercomputer. Also the line 5...Ng6 6.e5 Ng8 7.Bc4 d5! 8.Bxd5 N8e7 9.Bg5 Qd7 and now Be4! Nf5 which is not even CLOSE to a clear advantage. White just plays Qd3 and the position is highly complex and dangerous. I have beaten houdini myself in blitz with this line. I will send you a free copy of my analysis if you would like to see all the lines. This would be on the article now if i was not being censored. (talk) 05:12, 19 August 2013 (UTC)Reply[reply] 041b061a72


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